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Hades: Skelly legendary keepsafe Companion Rib guide

SORRYSOMUCHSORRYSOMUCHSORRYSOMUCHSORRYSOMUCH I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO WRITE POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am obviously doing one now but I have decided (again) about when I am going to blog. I AM DOING ONE EVERY WEEK :). Anyway, onto ideo ga-NO I DID NOT MEEN IDEO I MEANT VIDEO COMPUTER!!!! Ok, so onto V I D E O games.

This is the first blog post I have done about Hades and the only way I can describe it to you is to say it is a game for violent people so if you are a peaceful person then you should probably read something else. I will do a few spaces so you can take your time to decide.

Ok. I expect you are a violent person. Actually, this is one of the less-violent Hades guides but it is still violent. Before we start I will give you a picture of the 'main character' of this guide:

SKELLY! If you don't know who this is then go onto Hades and find the skeleton that says 'boyo' a lot. So, if you play Hades then probably already have a few keepsafes. (Lucky Tooth is Skelly's one). These can be found by giving someone nectar. Legendary keepsafes (LK) are pretty much the same as normal keepsafes, but instead of nectar, you have to give the character ambrosia, and you'll need to complete a quest of some kind. The first thing you need to do to get skelly's LK is give him nectar until you see a golden heart with a lock next to the six other nectar-hearts. Then... you need five titan bloods. The two ways I recommend using to get Titan Blood are one, fighting the fury sisters in Tartarus (you may need the pact of punishment), and trading abrosia to the wretched broker. When you have five, go to the courtyard ad level Stygius (The stygian sword) up to max level AKA legendary. Once you have done this, Skelly will tell you to put him to rest by actually destroying him. Then, all you need to do is kill him with Stygius* (Don't worry, he comes back to life [well technically back to death but still]). When he comes back, you can give him ambrosia and he will give you Companion Rib. Companion Rib: twice per escape attempt, press ZL to summon skelly, who will shout at monsters, causing them to attack him instead of you.

*I should have said this at the start, but is has to be aspect of Zagreus or it won't work.

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