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Street Fighter II Turbo: Dhalsim moves

I think I am just going to do one blog post a week, but that doesn't mean I will stop doing them. Oh! I have already done 127 characters (from the last full stop). Characters go by quickly. ANYWAY, I am not here to talk about letters and spaces, I am here to talk about VIDEO GAMES! In Street Fighter, Dhalsim is probably my favourite character (I am talking about character as in person now, not letter) because he can blow fire, but for some reason he calls it yoga. Whenever he wins a fight he says, "I will meditate and then destroy you." Ok move 1:


Yoga Fire:

This move is where you blow a fireball across the room. To do it you need to press DOWN, DIAGONAL, FORWARD, ANY PUNCH facing your opponent. Sorry, but I can't find a picture of this actually happening, and I have NO IDEA how to do a picture of me playing on my SNES. If you know then could you message me at the bottom of my home page?!?!?!?! This move takes a while to get used to, but after a while it will work. If this guide doesn't help then just watch the video I watched to learn it at Actually I will do that again but not as a link so it wouldn't open to a secret spam website that I have set up, (I haven't, I am just doing this to be safe)


I am sorry that this guide was so tiny but this is the only Dhalsim move* that I know so SORRY again. Here is a picture of yoga flame which is another Dhalsim move:

*I should probably change the moves at the top to move but then there is no real point having this foot-note if it changes so I will just keep it like that

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